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Jama Connect Help

SCIM provisioning for user management

System for Cross-domain Identify Management (SCIM) is a standard for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains or IT systems. (source)

SCIM provides a predefined schema for common user attributes like name, username, first name, last name, and email address. Attributes for organization-level groups are included to create and delete groups and manage group membership. This schema allows your organization to automatically provision users into your Jama Connect environment directly from your identity provider (IdP). It also helps you manage users within the application.

New user creation is a one-way synchronization with SCIM from your IdP to Jama Connect. Adding a new user in Jama Connect won't create a new user in your IdP.

Supported identity providers

Jama Connect currently supports SCIM provisioning with the following IdPs:

  • Okta Custom Application

  • Microsoft Azure AD

For more information, see Jama Connect SCIM configuration with Okta.

Configure SCIM provisioning

Cloud customersContact Support to schedule enablement.


Before enabling SCIM provisioning, some data sanitization is required.