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Jama Connect Help

Configure the User Import Plugin

With the User Import Plugin, you can add multiple users at once by importing a spreadsheet. Imports don't delete users from Jama Connect.


You must have organization admin permissions to complete this task.

Important considerations

If the import fails it might be because:

  • A user that already exists was set to add (rather than update).

  • A user that doesn't exist was set to update (rather than add).

  • One or more of the records is incorrect.

  • A required field was missing.

To configure the plugin:

  1. Select Admin > Organization, then select Plugins > Add plugin entry.

    The Add plugin entry is highlighted on the Plugins details panel.
  2. In the Add plugin entry window that opens, enter the following information and select Save.

    The Add plugin entry window displays the options and fields to configure the User Import Plugin.
    • Name — User Import

    • Enabled —Make the plugin available to users

    • Class (case-sensitive) — Enter the name of the object defined in the source code: 

    • Type — Event or Import

    • Parameters — Leave this field blank

    • Plugin Notes — Add any notes you have here. This isn't visible to the end user.

  3. Create a CSV document with no header row that contains the following values in columns A through K:

    • Username — If LDAP or CROWD is enabled, the username must match what is listed in the directory.

    • First name

    • Last name

    • Email

    • Password

    • Title

    • Location

    • Phone number

    • License type — Values must be one of the following:




      Named creator


      Float creator


      Float collaborator




      Reserved collaborator


      Float reviewer


      Reserved reviewer


      Named reviewer


      Test runner

    • Add/Update — Values must be one of the following:




      Add as a new user


      Update an existing user

    • Company

    • Groups — If a user belongs to multiple groups you can add them in columns L and up.

    For example:

    An example CSV worksheet shows the required values for adding new users.
  4. Select Project > Import > Custom import.

    The Project drop-down list shows that the Import > Custom import option is selected.
  5. In the Custom Import window that opens, enter the following information:

    The Custom Import window includes the options and fields required to configure the import for the plugin.
    • Select a destination — This is a required field. Your selection doesn't affect the outcome.

    • Select Custom Importer — User Import

    • Field Delimiter — Comma

    • Optional Encoding — UTF8

    • Select file to import — Choose the CSV file you created in step 3, that contains the list of users to be imported.

  6. Select Import.

Each user that's added with the user import plugin receives a welcome email with the Jama Connect URL.