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Export to Word

You can export a set of items to a Microsoft Word document. You can export from List View, Reading View, or Document View.

The default Word export is a boilerplate that was created with Office Templates. You can modify the default template to meet your needs.


Word for Mac is known to have some issues with exporting certain formats and tables. If you experience issues, eliminate special formatting or tables within tables.

To export data to a Word file:

  1. Select the items you want to export using the Explorer Tree or an advanced filter, then select the view: List View, Document View, or Reading View.

    An item is selected in the Explorer Tree and the details panel has Reading View highlighted in the top toolbar.
  2. (Optional) Customize your output by including fields or excluding fields for your document:

    1. From your view (List View, Document View, or Reading View), select the gear icon to display the list of available fields.

      An item is selected in the Explorer Tree and the details panel shows the gear icon (Show/hide fields) is highlighted in the top toolbar.
    2. Select the fields you want to include in your document and deselect the fields you don't want.

    3. Select X to close the window.

    The screen now includes only the fields you selected.

  3. In the toolbar, select Export > Export to Word.

    Export drop-down menu shows Export to Word is selected.

Your exported content is displayed according to the view you selected:

  • List View — Exported items are displayed as a table of contents, followed by each item, its name, and a list of its field names and values.

  • Document View — Exported items are displayed as section headings followed by item details.

  • Reading View — Exported items are displayed according to the way you selected the items.



    Explorer Tree

    The selected container becomes the title page for the export.

    Advanced filter within one project

    Reading View includes the container hierarchy above the filtered items, up to the top of the project. Container items that show hierarchy have a grayed-out (disabled) checkbox, while the rest of the items can be selected. Hierarchical containers are exported with the content items.

    Cross-project filter

    Reading View doesn't display numbering. The export is a listing of items without hierarchical information.