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Jama Connect Help





A tag that identifies a comment in a stream conversation as one of three types: decision, question, or issue.


A role in the review process with the ability to approve or reject an item for correctness or completeness.


External files such as images, documents, and spreadsheets that can be attached to an item.


A fixed reference point that captures the state of selected items and their relationships within a project at a specific point in time.

Baseline Compared to Current Report

A report that displays a side-by-side comparison of items and relationships in a baseline and their current versions.

Baseline Comparison Report

A report that displays a side-by-side comparison of items and relationships in two baselines.

baseline ID

A unique ID assigned to each baseline. Baseline IDs are automatically generated and numbered sequentially in the order they were created. They can't be edited or duplicated.

batch transitions

A workflow feature that allows you to select multiple items of the same item type and transition them to a different workflow status.

Bidirectional Traceability Report

A report that displays upstream and downstream relationships for a selected container of items.


A link to content you view frequently at the top of your homepage.

bottom panel

A panel that slides in from the bottom of the center panel to give more detail on items such as relationships, the activity stream, version history, and merged items.

change request

A formal proposal that identifies changes to items in a specific product or system.

child item

An item that falls hierarchically below a parent item of the same item type.

collaborator license

A named or floating license that gives read-only privileges to users needing visibility into a project, but not editing rights. These users can view items, provide comments, participate in (but not create) reviews, execute test runs, and log defects.


A user-created message found in the stream or in reviews.

Compare View

A side-by-side view of content that helps you compare differences between versions of an item.


A structural container used to organize a project into more manageable pieces.


A Jama Connect unit for organizing document items. Containers include three types: components, sets, and folders.


The extent to which items are validated by another item.

Coverage Explorer

A tool to view or export a set of items, including related items that provide needed coverage.

creator license

A named or floating license that gives full read and edit rights, and full access to reviews, for those who are active users managing items and projects on a daily basis.


A visual display of Jama Connect data. It can be configured to show key metrics about your project, to highlight which areas might need attention.

dashboard widget

A small embedded application that compiles and displays data from a single project or filter.


A way to identify a relationship between items. If one item is downstream from another, it might be impacted by that item.

electronic signature

A digital process that indicates a user’s acceptance of a document, item, or process. In Jama Connect, electronic signatures are used to approve a review or baselines.

Explorer Tree

A method of structurally and visually organizing the sets, components, folders, and items in your project hierarchy.


An action that extracts data from Jama Connect to a Word or Excel document.


A fixed location in a unit of data such as a record or computer instruction that has a specific purpose and usually a fixed size.


A method to display subset of items, users, or reviews from a larger collection. These are available as simple or advanced filters.


A type of container used to organize your work. Jama Connect uses item folders, baseline folders, and project folders.

global ID

A unique identifier of items connected through synchronization.


The start page that is displayed when Jama Connect first opens. It can show links to your most relevant content, like bookmarks, recent views, open reviews, and stream comments or actions.

Impact Analysis

In requirements management, a method to show the implications of a proposed change to all upstream and downstream related items.


An action that incorporates data into Jama Connect from an external source such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and IBM doors.

Import Relationships Plugin

A tool that helps you batch-create links between existing items in the application.


A list of information about each item that ensures proper display, sorting, filtering, and searching of data.


The building blocks of Jama Connect. Projects are made up of items. Items are made up of fields. Items can be containers (sets, folders, components or parent items) or documents (features, requirements, test cases, tasks, defects).

item counter

A tool that automatically assigns numbers to items as part of their ID.

item ID

Unique identifiers for each item that, unlike a Global IDs, can't be duplicated.

Items in a Set Report

A report that displays a tabular list of items in a set.

item types

The templates for sets used within each project.

item widget

A graphical element of the UI that adds functionality to an item type, for example, adding links, attachments, relationships, and tags.

left panel

The area of the UI where you can find and organize your data. It contains the Explorer Tree, advanced filters, releases, baselines, tests, and tags.


The document that gives permission to an organization to install and run the Jama Connect application.

license type

The possible permissions and roles that can be granted to a user (for example, creator, stakeholder, test runner, and reviewer).

List View

A way of viewing data from multiple items in a table with a different field in each column so you can sort, select, and compare items at a glance.


A method to make items read-only. Locks can be set automatically or manually.


A user who creates and manages a review. Moderators must have a creator license type.


Optional emails sent to groups or individuals alert you when certain changes are made.

Office Templates

Word documents and Excel spreadsheets that allow you to add formatting to your exports.


A representation of the entire group of users who have access to your instance of Jama Connect as well as all the projects, items, and data.

organization admin

A role with administrative control of the Jama Connect application. An organization might have one or more organization administrators.


A way of allowing users the ability to access, modify, and delete items or perform other specific tasks.

pick list

A set of defined values that can be entered into a field.


A way of organizing your data in Jama Connect. A project is made up of items, filters, baselines, releases, reports, and tests.

project admin

A role that has the necessary permissions to manage a particular project.

project key

A unique identifier, automatically created with each project, which makes up the first part of each item's Unique ID.

project workflow

A well-defined sequence of the tasks and activities required to complete a specific project. In Jama Connect, you set up a workflow in Projects, so that users can move project items along a similar path as they progress.

Reading View

A way of displaying text and images for a particular group of items so you can read through selected items like a document.


A way of linking items together that can help you assess the impact an item or group of items can have on other items.

Relationship Status Indicator

A tool that shows the number of  relationships an item has, as well as whether those relationships meet the project's relationship rules.


A group of items that are developed together and mapped to a specific completion date.

Release Status Report

A report that displays the current state of the items within a particular release.

Replicated snapshot

A backup of the Admin Console settings, Docker containers, and the Jama Connect license.


A document that helps you analyze the current status and progress in your work. Reports can include graphs, tabular data, metrics, and other roll-ups.

required fields

String, text, or date fields that are configured so that the user must enter data into the field before saving an item.


An application program interface to assist developers in a clean, straightforward integration with the application.


The duplication of an item within a project or to a different project where it can be modified without affecting the original item.

reuse admin

A role with the permissions needed to manage reuse.


A process that helps teams, stakeholders, and customers collaborate in Jama Connect discuss, review, revise and approve information.

review admin

A role with the permissions needed to manage reviews.

Review Center Stats Report

A report that displays the progress of a specific review.


A role that participates in a review to provide feedback.

reviewer license

A named or floating license that grants permission to participate in reviews, act as approvers, moderators, or review administrators, and respond to comments in the stream. A reviewer license doesn't allow users to initiate reviews or access items in the core project.

Reviews workflow

A tool for moderators to update the status of reviewed items. When configured, the reviews workflow automatically updates field values for review items of the same type and review status.

right panel

A panel that slides out to provide more specific information about the data you selected.


A function or process of finding letters, words, files, or other data in an index of all database fields, as well as text within Word, PDF, or text attachments, to display a list of resulting items.

signature meaning

A system setting that states the meaning of the electronic signature. It's required for FDA 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. In Jama Connect, it defaults to "I approve this review" and can't be modified. The signature meaning is visible in review invitations.

signer role

A role for an approver in the review process. Approval is provided with an electronic signature. Signer roles are created from user group names.


A set of permissions granted to a user so that they can perform a particular job.


A structural container with configurable access rights, used to group items of the same type. It can also contain folders, text Items, child text items and child items of the same type.

set key

The key that identifies item sets within your project. The key doesn’t have to be unique across sets or projects.

stakeholder license

A named license that gives read-only privileges to those who need visibility into a project, but don’t need editing rights. Stakeholders can view items, provide comments, and act as reviewers.

Single Item View

A way to display the information about one item in the center panel.


A collection of the most recent comments and activities (adds, deletes, or edits).

suspect link

A link on an item that means the item might no longer be correct or complete, because changes were made to items upstream.


A method for monitoring for differences between reused items and containers. When differences exist, users can update the data for those items or containers.

system admin

A role that handles the overall installation, setup, and configuration of Jama Connect. The system admin doesn't have access to projects, doesn’t require a special license, and is the only user who can log in to the system as "root user."

system field

An automatically created field such as name,  test step, test case status, and review status, which provides system functionality and can't be disabled or deleted.

system health report

An optional feature that notifies administrators of areas of the application that can affect performance and user experience.


A label that you can attach to items to help identify items that have something in common.

Task List with Estimates Report

A report that displays all item types and sums their estimates if applicable.

temporary license

A 30-day full creator license, automatically granted to a non-licensed individual whose email address is used to invite them to a review or to comment in the stream. It has no default permissions except for the discussion thread or review to which they were invited, although an organization administrator can add permissions.

test case

Items that contain the tests needed to validate or verify product features or systems.

test case status

An automatically calculated status that indicates the state of the last edited test run associated with that test case.

test cycle

Groups of test cases converted into a series of test runs that are ready for execution.

test group

A way to combine and label similar tests in a test plan.

test plan

An item that documents the overall strategy for validating or verifying that a product or system meets its design specifications and requirements.

Test Plan Detail Report

A report that displays the details of a test plan.

test run

An item used to record results for a test case you ran against your product.

test runner license

A named license that includes basic permissions to read and review, as well as the additional ability to create test plans and defects, and execute test runs.

test run status

An indicator of the current state of a test run, which is used in calculating test case status.

test step

A distinct step used to run a test.

text item

A specific and unique type of item that lives outside the boundary of other item types and doesn’t function as a full feature. Unlike other item types, text items can be used as part of a mixed item set.

thread dump

A snapshot of the state of your application's processes at a point in time.


The part of the UI that is located at the top of the center panel. From there you can switch views, filter items, configure fields, and export your data.


A method for showing the relationship between items that depend upon and define each other. You can always travel upstream or downstream to get more context and trace product definition from high level requirements all the way through final tests.

Trace Relationships Report

A report that displays items with their downstream relationships.

Trace View

A way of displaying related upstream and downstream items, missing relationships, and item details in context of their relationship.

trial license

A 30-day license granted to new users who sign up for a trial of Jama Connect on


A way to identify a relationship between items. If one item is upstream from another, it might impact that item.

unique ID

An ID that identifies an item with a project key, set key, and a set counter. A unique ID (also called item ID) remains the same even if the item name or content is changed. It can't be edited or duplicated.


A basic role associated with a unique Jama Connect login. Each user has their own license type, groups, and permissions.

user group

A way to manage notifications, permissions, access, and actions for multiple users at a time.

User Import Plugin

A tool that allows organization admins to add multiple users at once by importing a spreadsheet.

User List Report

A report that displays a list of all the active and inactive users associated with the organization.


One of a sequence of copies of an item, each incorporating new modifications. There are versions of reviews and versions of items.


A small embedded application that adds functionality to the dashboard or item types.


An automated set of transitions from one status to another, over the course of an item's lifespan.