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Jama Connect Help


A widget is small embedded application that adds functionality to the dashboard or to item types.

This table includes all widget types, their definitions, and how they are used.





Lists all the changes users made to an item: adding, relating, editing, deleting, and restoring.

Activities are listed in chronological order.

Users can search their activity history and filter on activity types.



Shows external files attached to an item: images, documents, and spreadsheets.

If your organization has a document management system, link from a Jama Connect item to the file in your document management system, rather than duplicating files in Jama Connect.

Change Request*


Indicates that the item is linked to one or more change requests.

Example: If the icon includes a number, the item is linked to that many change requests and is automatically added if the item is linked to a change request.



Indicates that a user made comments on the item.

Generally used for day-to-day collaboration with colleagues and tracking questions, decisions, and issues about items.  These comments are only visible to users with permission to see the Jama Connect project. Comments from reviews are separate and not included here.

Enabled by default.

Connected Users


Shows a creator, editor, or someone who has commented, subscribed, or is @mentioned in an item. Also shows users on upstream or downstream traced items.

Enabled by default.

Items to be changed


Indicates when a user links to requirements, tests, and other items that require a change.

Visible only on item types where the Change Request widget is enabled.



Adds links to an item by associating a link with that item or embedding a link in a rich text field within the item.

Hyperlinks can also be added in any rich text field.



Shows items that are related for traceability.

Example: A requirement might be linked to upstream customer needs multiple downstream test cases.

Review comments


Shows comments for reviews where this option is enabled.

Sub items


Shows the number of items directly under a currently viewed item in the Explorer Tree.

Example: The "System" component has five sub items:


Synchronized Items*


Monitors differences between reused items and containers.

The number of items that an item is synchronized with is displayed in the blue circle.

Example: If a source item version changes, all reused items are flagged as "out of sync" so you can compare differences.



Labels items so you can find similar items quickly.

Any user with create and edit permissions can add a new tag.

Users with project admin permissions can edit or delete existing tags.

Test Runs


Shows the results from a Test Plan and Test Cycle.

Jama Connect allows one Test Case to many Test Run results.

The number indicates the number of active Test Runs.

Visible only on item types where the "Use as" setting is Test Case:




Shows the number of versions.

A new version is created each time you change an item. You can compare versions or revert to a past item.

* Widget is only visible on item types where an organization admin has enabled it.

Best practices for widges

At minimum, enable these widgets:

  • Activities

  • Relationships

  • Synchronized items

  • Versions