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Jama Connect User Guide

View item progress

As a review progresses, you can view statistics about the progress of the items in review. This information is unique to the current version of the review.

In separate tabs, you can see participant progress for this version and review activity across versions.

  • From the review with the items you want to view, select Stats.

    Image shows pull down with review, stats and feedback as options

    Under the Item progress tab, you see an overview with the total number of items in the review, their item types, the start and end dates for this version of the review, the current approval status for all items (if this review uses approvers), and a summary of open comments in the review.

    Below that, is a table showing item fields along with the number of votes, as well as the number of participants who marked the item approved, rejected, or reviewed.

    image shows item progress tab, with item details, approval status, and a list of all items with their status.

    For reviews with multiple approvers, the item approval status count increases when all approvers approve the item. However, it only takes one approver to reject an item for the rejected count to increase. Items that aren't marked as approved or rejected are considered not reviewed. Items that aren't marked as approved or rejected are considered not reviewed.

    If you're a moderator, you see the preset filters to filter the list by item type, folder, or set. You can use Views to configure which fields are visible in the table. You can use Actions to batch update items.