Move items between projects
You can move an item or set of items, along with all associated conversations, versions, and attachments to a different project.
Move items to a different project when your project has grown too large and performance has started to degrade.
Important considerations
Review this list before you move items between projects:
A move can't be undone. Users can move items back to the original project but IDs are changed.
You can move only components and sets between projects. If you're trying to move a folder of items or individual items from a component or set, you must first create a new component/set, then move those items to the new component/set.
Document key IDs are changed when an item is moved. The new ID is based on rules set up in the destination project.
When an item is moved, all associated stream collaboration, activities, and versions are moved to the new project. Attachments, tags, and releases are copied to the new project.
If you delete the source project, images inserted in a rich text field that are copied in other projects are also deleted because they are referenced and aren’t copied from the original project.
Best Practice: To keep images intact in the duplicated project, archive the source project.
Original attachments, tags, and releases still exist in the source project, including links, images, and diagrams within rich text fields.
Test runs can't be moved. Test cases can be moved without impacting test runs.
Items contained in a review aren't shown in future versions of a review after they are moved.
The document ID in old baselines reflects the new ID.
If any moved item is associated with an integration sync, make sure that integrations such as the JIH aren't running while a move takes place.
Performance might be impacted at the time of the move if other resource-intensive processes are running at the same time.
To move items between projects:
Make sure that:
You have write permissions in the source and destination project.
The items to be moved must be unlocked.
All other move operations are completed. You can't make two moves at the same time.
In the source project, select the set or component of items you want to move, then select Move item in the menu.
In the Move items to... window, select the destination project and select Move.
Review details and select Confirm.
During the move you can go to the destination project by selecting Go to project or stay in the same project by selecting Done.
A pop-up window shows progress of the move. If any item fails to move, the entire move fails.
Once the move is complete, you can find recently moved items from the Activity Stream.