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Jama Connect Help

Duplicate an item

You can quickly make a copy of an item to use as a template for a new project or a new requirement. You can duplicate an item that is locked or unlocked.


You must have read/write permissions to complete this task.

When you use the Duplicate items option, the copy includes:

  • Item name

  • Item description

  • Test steps (if applicable)

  • Ability to include tags, attachments, and links

Best Practice: To create a full copy of an item, including all fields and relationships, use the Reuse items option. With this method you can reuse multiple items, reuse items with children, duplicate more of the item's content, or duplicate an item from another project. For more information, see Reuse items.

To duplicate an item:

  1. Select the item you want to copy, then select Duplicate item from the menu.

  2. In the Duplicate item window, indicate whether you want to duplicate tags, attachments, or links.

  3. Press Enter or select Duplicate.


    According to the item type, selected preferences are saved across sessions. However, clearing your browser data restores default options. When specific attributes (as in links) aren't enabled for an item type, the option doesn't appear in the pop-up window.

The item you duplicated opens in Single Item View.