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Jama Connect Help

Compare baselines

When a baseline has more than one version, you can compare two versions in baseline Document View using the baseline in-app Compare option.

Important considerations
  • Document View must be enabled. If the setting has been disabled, the organization admin can enable it from Admin > Details.

  • The Compare option for baselines is available only when you have multiple baselines of a source and you are viewing an older baseline.

  • When comparing baselines, the categories table isn’t available.

  • Baselines that were created before Jama Connect 9.6 now display an icon to indicate that the new fields aren't available. This icon appears in List View, Document View, in-app comparison summary, and the Preview panel.

    Yellow triangle icon indicates a baseline was created before Jama Connect 9.6.
  • When comparing baselines, you can export a detailed report.

    Two baselines are selected for comparison and the Export detailed report button is selected.

To compare baselines:

  1. Select the Baselines tab in the Explorer Tree, then select the baseline with the version you want to compare.

  2. Select Document View, then select Compare.

    A baseline is selected and i the details panel Document view and Compare are highlighted.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the version to compare with the baseline you are viewing.

    In the details panel, the Select optioon drop-down menu lists the versions to compare.

    The information bar for baseline in-app comparison displays the total number of item changes (updates to relationships aren't included in the total count).

    Changes are displayed inline by color and formatting:

    Green + solid underline = Added text/item

    Red + dashed underline = Removed text/item

    Red + solid strikethrough = Deleted text/item

    Details panel shows the comparison between two versions of a baseline, with color and formatting indicating changes.
  4. To compare relationships between two versions of a baseline, select Show related items.

    Changes are displayed inline by color and formatting:

    Green + solid underline = Added text/item

    Red + dashed underline = Removed text/item

    Red + solid strikethrough = Deleted text/item

    Upstream and downstream items show changes indicated by color and formatting.
  5. Select X to return to baselines Document View.

    Baseline details panel includes an X highlighted to return to baselines Document View.