Create a review
You can create reviews for any item or group of items in a project. By default, you are the moderator for any reviews you create.
Ways to create a review:
From Reviews — Select Start a review.
From Projects > Explorer Tree — Select List View, Reading View, or Document View, select the items you want to include in the review, then select Send for review.
From Projects > Project toolbar — Select Explorer, Filters, Releases, Baselines, or Test Plans, right-click on the item or collection of items you want to include in the review, then select Send for review.
Regardless of where you begin, the process is the same through an easy-to-follow wizard. Follow the prompts in the wizard to define and initiate your review.
![This video shows a cursor completing the workflow to initiate a review in the review wizard dialog. The name of the review is entered and items to be reviewed are selected under the first step: Definition. The cursor then selects Next. The Settings page opens and the cursor selects Next. The Participants page opens, the cursor selects a participant, then selects Next. A customizable invitation is generated on the Invitation page. The cursor s](../../image/16793e9aa5e9d2.gif)
![Initiate a review wizard has 4 pages: Definition, Settings, Participants, and Invitiation.](../../image/16793e9aa67248.png)
Definition — Name your review, set a deadline, and select items to be reviewed.
Settings — Configure the settings for your review.
Participants — Configure who you want to review your items.
Invitation — Complete and send the invitation email.