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Jama Connect Help

Insert a link in rich text fields

Direct links to attachment files can be helpful to reviewers. You can link from a rich text field directly to other sets, items, and attachments in Jama Connect, or to an external link.

  1. Select the Link icon in the Rich Text toolbar.

    Select the Link icon in the Rich Text Toolbar to add a link.
  2. In the Enter URL or Choose Item window, do one of the following:

    • Enter the URL for an external link.

    • Select tabs to choose your link from recently viewed locations, the Explorer Tree, releases, search results, or attachments, then under the Attachments tab, upload a file directly from your desktop.

      Enter URL for external link or use tabs to upload a file from your desktop.
  3. Choose Select to place your link in the rich text field. The link doesn't work until you save changes to your item.

  4. To break a link, select the Break link icon in the toolbar.