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Jama Connect Help

Add a change request and associate items

When an item needs to be altered, you can add a change request, which helps track the requested change.

As the author of a change request, you can capture the details of the requested change, manage the status of the change request, add and update the associated items, and close the change request as item updates are made.


The change request must be an available item type for your project. Available item types are managed by the project admin.

  1. To create a new set of Change Requests in your project:

    1. Select the project and select Add > New item > Set of... > Change Requests.

      Select a project, then from cascading menues select Add > New item > Set of > Change Requests.
    2. In the Add Item window, enter a name for the set, for example, Change Requests.

    3. Select Save & done.

      Enter a name for the set of changes, then select save it.
  2. Add a new item to that set.

  3. Select the item, then open the bottom panel by selecting the bell widget (Items to be changed) from the side toolbar. This widget only appears when configured by an organization admin.

    Bell widget from the side toolbar.
  4. Select Associate Items in the bottom panel, select the items that apply to this change request, then select Associate.


    Change request items can't be associated with other change request items.

    Associate items button and Associate button in the bottom panel implement the change request.

    The associated items appear in the bottom panel with links to those items. Each item includes the starting version (when the change request was introduced) and the ending version, which fulfills the change request.

    When you view other items that were associated with this change request, you see the same widget in the right toolbar of their Single Item View, as well as any change requests they're associated with in the bottom panel.

    Side toolbar in the bottom panel includes widget for associated items and change requests.