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Modify the entire diagram

When your project doesn't require that you track an item type or if you have a relationship rule to exclude, you can turn it off for the entire diagram.

Scenario for modifying the diagram globally
  • If a specific item type or relationship rule isn’t needed for the Trace Score, you can turn it off for the whole diagram rather than manually turn off each item type or relationship rule in every tile.

Important considerations
  • All item types and relationship rules are turned on by default.

  • When an item type is turned off, all relationship rules associated with that item type are automatically turned off.

  • Selections and exclusions are made to the entire diagram from Global settings in the Configuration panel. To make selections and exclusions to an individual tile, see Modify a tile in the diagram.

  • Open conversations represent the total number of comments from all items in that tile. By default, this setting is enabled.

To modify the entire diagram:

  1. From the top navigation, select the Actions menu, then select Configuration settings.

    In the Live Trace Explorer UI, the Actions menu shows the View saved diagrams menu and Configuration settings option is selected.

    The Configuration panel opens to the left of the diagram.

    Configuration panel lists all specification tiles in the diagram.
  2. To turn off an item type:

    1. In the Global settings section, select All item types.

      The Configuration panel shows that All item types is selected.

      The panel displays the available item types. All item types are enabled by default (toggle switch is green with a checkmark).

      The green toggle switch is selected for all available item types in the diagram.
    2. Select the item type you want to turn off, then select its green toggle switch to turn it off. The toggle switch is gray when the item type is turned off.

      The green toggle switch is selected two item types and disabled for Design Description.
    3. Select Apply.

      A confirmation message notifies you that the diagram was updated.

    4. (Optional) To include the item type again, select its gray toggle switch to turn on the item. The switch appears green with a checkmark to indicate that the item type is again included in the entire diagram.

  3. To exclude open conversations in tiles:

    1. In the Global settings section, select Diagram settings.

      The Configuration panel shows Diagram settings is selected.
    2. Select Include open conversations in tiles.

      In the Diagram settings panel, the option Include open conversations in tiles is selected.
    3. Select Apply.

      A confirmation message notifies you that the diagram was updated.

  4. To include non-rule relationships:

    1. In the Global settings section, select Diagram settings.

      The Configuration panel shows Diagram settings is selected.
    2. Select Include non-rule relationships in diagram.

      In the Diagram settings panel, the option Include non-rule relationships in diagrams is selected.
    3. Select Apply.

      A confirmation message notifies you that the diagram was updated.

  5. To turn off relationship rules:

    1. In the Global settings section, select All item types.

      The Configuration panel shows All item types is selected.
    2. Select the item type with the relationship rule you want to turn off, then select the arrow or select Expand all relationship rules to expand the list.

      In the All item types panel, the option Expand all relationship rules is highlighted.
    3. Select the blue checkbox next to the relationship rule you want to turn off (for example, Validation). The checkbox is unchecked and gray when the relationship is turned off.

      In the All item types panel, the option Validation is highlighted and the checkbox next to it is blank (off).
    4. Select Apply.

      A confirmation message notifies you that the changes were applied to the diagram.

    5. (Optional) To include the relationship again, select the gray checkbox to turn on the relationship. The checkbox appears blue with a checkmark to indicate that the relationship is again included in the entire diagram.