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Jama Connect User Guide

Importing content into Jama Connect

Content in Jama Connect is structured using an item-based approach. Items in Jama Connect can be containers (components, sets, folders) or instances of a particular type of item, such as a requirement or test case.

One way to populate Jama Connect with content is to import existing items (such as requirements or test cases) from other applications.

The most common applications for importing items into Jama Connect are:

Microsoft Word

  • Determine hierarchy of imported items with Word heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2...).

  • Retain formatting like bulleted lists, numbered lists, and text formatting.

  • Import Word tables as rich text field content or use tables to identify and import discrete items into Jama Connect.


IBM Doors

  • Import objects found within Modules.

  • Map object attributes directly to fields within Jama Connect.

  • Maintain relationships during import with active IBM DOORS data.

The Data Import Wizard guides you through the process of importing items into Jama Connect. It recognizes file types like .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, and .csv and displays options accordingly.

You might need to prepare your source file for a successful import. For example, if your Word file has requirements in tables, you might need to ensure that all tables use consistent headings in the first row so that the wizard can identify each table for import.


Before populating Jama Connect with your data, discuss with others on your team to make sure all needed information has a “home” (field) in Jama Connect. Involving team members in this process can avoid rework of having to import again for data that was not initially taken into account.