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Jama Connect Help

Activity stream

Activities are the recorded changes made to an item, including editing, commenting on, relating to other items, deleting, and restoring.

You can view activities at an item level or a project level. You can also view activities specific to different parts of Jama Connect, such as reviews and baselines.

These are the types of activities that appear in the stream.

Activity type


Visible in...

Changes to items

Adding, editing, or deleting content from item fields; commenting on an item; using features like releases, baselines, or reviews that impact the item.

Project activity stream

Item activity stream

Changes to baselines

Adding (manually or automatically with a review), editing, or deleting* baselines or sources. Visible to users with read-only permission. Baseline activity stream shows all activity for a baseline.

Baseline activity stream

Project activity stream

Reused and synchronized items

When items are reused and synchronized, details of reuse appear in the activity stream. Users with read permission can view details about reused items and can select a link to  view newly copied and synchronized items. 

Project activity stream

Item activity stream


Comments related to an item or project. Review comments aren't included in activity stream.

Collaboration stream


When review is opened, revised, closed, reopened; when signatures are added or revoked.

Project activity stream

Review activity (stats)

When items are sent for review, see all activity for a single review across revisions in the review activity tab.

Review activity (stats)

* Deleting requires admin permission. Baselines with e-signatures can’t be deleted.